Brewing Tips | Awwal Tea
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Step 1: Collection Ingredients

For this you will need
1.  Indian Tea (you can get this at any indian shops) you need Awwal Tea 

2. Sugar
3. Milk
4. Ginger
5. Tea Strainer
6. Pot

Step 2: Crush Ginger and Boil Water

Put the piece of ginger under somthing hard and squish it drop into pot of water turn on the gas.

Step 3: Adding Sugar and Tea.

When the water starts to boil ( bubbles in water start to jump)Put two and a half table spoons of sugar into the pot of boiling water, then wait two minutes and put two spoons of tea if you like it medium strong, or two and a half spoons for strong or one and a half for light strong.

Step 4: Adding Milk

Wait 3-4 minutes after adding tea then add milk until its th color of pic two.

Step 5: Pour and Enjoy

Wait 3 minutes after adding the Milk and then take the pot off the stove, put your strainer on a cup and rest it's other side on another cup and pour! Trow out the stuff left over in the strainer and pot.

Enjoy your Indian Tea!!

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